The Wild Rose: Beauty + Power.

One of the most resilient and beautiful native botanicals found in the Rocky Mountains is the wild rose – Rosa acicularis. This determined, hearty shrub dapples the coniferous, high elevation forest floor in tight little clusters and commands high desert drainages in towering, dense brambles. The delicate, thumbprint sized flower petals vary in shade from creamy yellow to electrifying fuschia, and the warm, spicy-sweet aroma of a fresh bloom laces the air with its heady perfume.

Each spring, I hike into my favorite drainage to harvest newly blossomed wild roses (being careful to leave plenty for the bees!). I distill the petals to create fresh wild rose hydrosol – the star ingredient in Rose Simple Cream. This rich but delicate cream is deeply hydrating and nourishing. Rose helps our skin retain moisture, reduces redness and inflammation, and is packed with regenerative antioxidants, making it one of the most effective natural skincare ingredients out there.

Late fall finds me in the same drainage. This time, I am there to harvest rosehips, again taking care to leave plenty for the birds and other wildlife that rely on this key winter food source. Roses are in the same family as apples and other fruiting trees, and their tart, bright red fruits are not only delicious, they are among the most powerful natural sources of Vitamin C. In addition to being a key immune system booster, Vitamin C helps our body produce and retain collagen, which is essential for our skin and connective tissue to maintain elasticity.

This year, I paired my fresh rosehip harvest with wild elderberries – another powerhouse immune system booster – to create an Elderberry+Rosehip Tincture. A new addition to the Anthea Wellnessline, this wildcrafted tincture contains numerous vital vitamins and minerals that support and boost your immune system. It is gentle enough to be take daily, and tastes wonderful in a cocktail or as an addition to a bitters blend. 

The wild rose is truly astounding in its beauty and power. Through my products, it is my honor to offer you the inner beauty and outer radiance that only the rose can impart. 

xo — Anna Demetriades, Creator/Crafter  

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